Eduardo Castex

  • Eduardo Castex

    Exploring Metileo: A Journey Through Time

    Welcome to Metileo, a charming little town boasting over a century of history since its founding on March 24, 1910. Despite its small size and the dirt roads that lead to it, Metileo offers a rich cultural tapestry woven from its past. With a population that hovers between 3,000 and 5,000 residents, this quaint village is a testament to simpler times and enduring traditions. As you explore Metileo, the centerpiece of the town is its beautiful plaza, where families gather and children play. Notably, an obelisk stands in tribute to the agricultural and livestock workers of the region, honoring their contributions to the community’s heritage. Though Metileo has seen better…

  • Eduardo Castex

    Journey Through Eduardo Castex and Surroundings

    Embarking on a journey to Eduardo Castex, located just 53 kilometers from my hometown, is a delightful adventure that introduces travelers to a series of charming small towns along the way. As we set course towards Castex, our first stop is the quaint village of Metileo, which boasts an intriguing history and a welcoming community. Founded on March 24, 1910, Metileo might appear to be suspended in time, with its picturesque dirt roads and a population that hovered around 500 in the 2010 census. Today, it is estimated that the town houses between 3,000 and 5,000 residents. Despite its size, the village is a hidden gem, offering a glimpse into…